Recycling household packaging in Belgium
In 2023, our members put 734.651 tonnes of single-use packaging on the market. A total of 711.390 tonnes were recycled, which represents a recycling percentage of 97%.

Recycled quantities of packaging per inhabitant per year
Recycling percentage per type of material

** These percentages are calculated based on the recycled quantities compared to the quantities put on the Belgian market by our members. About 83% of all packaging on the Belgian market (in tons) comes from Fost Plus members. This means that the quantities recycled also include collected packaging materials that were brought to the Belgian market by non-members or purchased by consumers abroad (cross-border purchases). These figures are also subject to minor changes relating to late declarations and additional checks.
The recycling percentage is being calculated since 2022 (for the year 2020) using a new methodology that is the same for all European countries. The aim is to accurately compare the recycling results of the different European member states with the respective targets. Since the introduction of the new methodology, the recycling percentage is being calculated when the recycling actually takes place. Therefore, after any impurities and unsuitable substances have been removed from the sorted materials in the recycling centres.

Where are the collected materials recycled?
Material Sheets