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Supporting companies through the transition to circular packaging systems

Companies will need to make their packaging more sustainable in the coming years. Recycling will continue to have an important role in this, but prevention and reuse are becoming just as important. Many companies are reviewing their packaging strategies and preparing to make major adjustments and investments. Fost Plus wants to help with this crucial transition.


Final phasing out of non-recyclable packaging

In 2019 Belgian businesses pledged that all packaging they use in the market will be recyclable by 2025. This means that Belgium is well ahead of the game: European legislation will not be requiring this to be a target until 2030. We can already see clear evidence of this commitment in practice. The volume of non-recyclable packaging in our members’ declarations was still over 20,000 tonnes in 2019, but this figure fell to less than 9,000 tonnes in 2023.

We can also see it on shop shelves. Some types of packaging have undergone fundamental change, such as the iconic tubes used for Pringles crisps or Actimel from Danone. In early 2023, the Interregional Packaging Commission also published a second list of so-called obstructive packaging. These are packaging types that completely disrupt the sorting and recycling processes and therefore ought to be avoided.

The phasing out of non-recyclable packaging can also be seen in the evolution of the Green Dot rates. For packaging coming onto the market in 2024, we have introduced a single rate for all non-recyclable packaging that is more than twice the highest rate for recyclable packaging. That gives our members an additional incentive to push for sustainability and we are able to ensure that the costs are allocated fairly and appropriately. Of course, we still provide plenty of support for our members as they look for alternatives, including webinars and personal advice.

Beyond recycling

The packaging systems of the future

With the new Packaging & Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), Europe is setting the tone for the packaging systems of the future. Recycling is no longer the holy grail, although it goes without saying that all single-use packaging items that come onto the market do also have to be recyclable. What really stands out here is the ambitious goals to reduce the amount of packaging as well as the promotion of reusable and refillable packaging. The proposal also aims for further harmonisation of packaging legislation across Europe.

This new direction will have a huge impact on businesses - not only our members but also on other sectors such as the events and hospitality industries. In the coming years, Fost Plus will be aiming to play an important role in the areas of prevention and reuse and guiding companies through this important transition. This will also be one of the main emphases in our new strategy for the next five years.

This new role can take various forms, from developing prevention measures for each sector to initiating pilot projects that we can use to test reusable packaging systems in the field. In any case, our ambition is to become a leader in these areas, just as we have been in recycling for the past 30 years.

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